Friday, August 11, 2006

Shades of Manzanar

File this under scarry, 2 in 5 Americans believe Muslims should carry special ID. A gallup poll produced results showing Many Americans Harbor Strong Bias Against U.S. Muslims. These results are scarry and do not bode well for the future of America's muslims.

America learned a hard lesson once; we put thousands of innocent Japanese citizens in detention centers. During a time of war, America failed to protect one of its minority populations. We will never live the shame down. We must guard against repeating our collective mistake. American Muslims simply share the same religion as the terrorists President Bush calls Islamic fascists. To vilify our Islamic citizens because of a potential link to the terrorists is incondensable. As citizens, they deserve the full protection of the law. Anything less would be counter to the American spirit.

On the other hand, being an American comes with obligations. Organizations like CAIR do not help solve the problem when the fail to link the acts of terrorists to the religion they represent, however misguided that representation may be. CAIR and American Muslims have a moral obligation to stand against the members of their religion who choose use to terror as a weapon of retribution and conquest.

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