Monday, May 14, 2007

What the Hell is "Friendly Atheism?"

Tangled Up In Blue Guy has a great post on this subject.

So, really, why is there a need to differentiate myself as a "friendly atheist?"  I am not even sure who I would be contrasting myself with.  I really don't know any unfriendly atheists.  I bring up the issue because of an article I read this morning, actually purported to be satire but completely unfunny, in which a fictional ape confronts Richard Dawkins and tells him that he must tone down his rhetoric.  Apparently the ape is of the common opinion that since in regards to religion, Dawkins is talking outside of his field and is beyond his depth when discussing the Delusion.  I have been debating whether or not to link, but since I don't get enough traffic that a link from my site would add to this guy's wealth. [ed. I choose not to link to the reference directly]

The site Tangled Up in Blue Guy is writing about pissed me off. I'm not a friendly atheist when I'm pissed. I try to be, but I tend to get snarky. So... follow the link to Tangled Up in Blue Guy and read it for yourself.

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1 comment:

Mike Haubrich, FCD said...

Thanks for the link. The link just illustrates the larger point, I think, which is there are atheists which are condescending in their own position of positive atheism. I am on my way to bed now, but am interested in the next article and will read it in the morning. It's a subject which also makes me boil.